Friday, November 19, 2010

2010 The closing of a great year!

Lots to be so grateful for this year.

Nathan and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary. We had a great date night in St. Cloud, went for dinner and acted like teenagers in love. We exchanged our 'paper' in honor of the 1st year, had a laugh, shed a tear, had dinner with our children and even lit our unity candle again. We have decided that every year on our anniversary that we would light it in honor of the vows we exchanged.

The kids... Well we are so blessed to have beautiful, healthy children. Kyleah is nearing the middle of the year in 5th grade. It has been a trying year for her, she is going through lots of changes. Classes are getting a little more difficult, boys are now 'cute', she is thinking about joining band, swimming lessons, homework, chores, etc. Welcome to a day in her mind. Plus she got a cell phone... REALLY... I didn't have one until I was on my own?!?!?! Aubrie, she is our daring little doll. She is loving 1st grade. She is working on being more independent. Remembering to bring all her stuff home on a daily basis, completing her homework, swimming lessons, and just being a 6 year old who loves being a kid. With having a older sister we get to hear lots of great things such as; When can I get a cell phone? When can I start wearing bras? When can I stay up later? When can I... Wow, we don't quite know what we are in for when she turns 10 because right now that is our saving grace. Parker, he is our little man who steals our hearts away every night. It is really kind of funny when we are all gone for the day and we get home for the night. It is kind of a race to see who can get to him first. It usually ends up the he lays on the floor with 4 people around him talking to him. Parker is 8 weeks old today and he is already a boy of many talents. He is holding his head up, with some bobs yet. He loves to talk to us and boy oh boy a smile that can melt ice! He is our brown eyed little boy whom we all love to spoil. It is funny at night when Nathan and I are just up and talking, we often find ourselves wondering where we would be without our kids. They are our life!!!

To wrap up the year, we have lots to be thankful for. Not a day goes by that we don't tell our children how important they are to us. Not a day goes by that we don't take the time to kiss and hug them. Everyday is a gift and living it up is more fulfillment that one can imagine.

Here are 5 things that we do/think daily:

1. Everyday is surprise.
2. Our love is limitless, superhuman power.
3. We have realized that true joy doesn't come from material wealth
4. We don't mind going to bed on a Friday night at 9pm.
5. We take better care of our children then ourselves.

We are a busy family! I tried to make a goal this year for myself to update this blog more often and I have found out that as a mother/wife/best friend and woman I really don't have all that much time to do updates. I do my best!

Again I hope that this blog finds everyone in great health, good spirits and enjoy this time of the year. Enjoy your family, give them an extra squeeze and make sure to tell them how much you love them!

Nathan, Tina, Kyleah, Aubrie and Parker John... The Thompson's

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