Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Busy busy busy...

With the wedding full speed ahead, all our plans are coming along wonderful. We are so excited!!! Save the date 11 7, 2009.
Around the house we are busy maintaining flower gardens and most importantly our first 'family' garden. We are very excited to can all our veggies in the fall.
News to look forward to... Memorial weekend camping, YAY!!! We are heading out to Baylor Park Friday - Monday morning. With hopes of family stopping by for a visit. We are anxiously awaiting Friday.
The 29th of May is a very special day. My Dad and step-mom Julie will re-new their wedding vows.
As far as us- Nathan and I are enjoying the weather, we have had a little time out on the bikes but are hoping for a lot more! SOON!!! Kyleah's countdown is on- 3rd grade is almost done and then she is FREE... Aubrie is finishing her last few days of preschool as she knows it. We had her to the doctor for her kindergarten check-up, 3 shots later we found out that she is a healthy little girl. 97% height / 98% weight. Doctors said that she is ready for school. Both girls are ready for summer and their fun adventures to come. They start swimming lessons in June and we know they will have a blast with that!!
We hope that this blog finds you all in great health and doing wonderful! From our house to yours- Nathan, Tina, Kyleah and Aubrie


  1. Very excited for your big day!!

  2. Good to hear all is well with you all. We need to get together soon...hopefully on the bikes :)
    ~Tammy T~
