Monday, June 22, 2009

We are back...

Once again- Slacker...

It's the wedding, it's the wedding. HA! It's not, it's summer.
Lots to blog about, we have been super busy.Memorial Day weekend we had the wonderful joys of going family camping out to Baylor Park . It was a great time and had many visitors from friends to family. We spent the weekend in complete relaxation. Fishing, hiking (trail walking) and just hanging out. The girls made new friends playing volleyball and riding bikes. We had a great time; it was hard to leave on Monday morning.

The week after family camping we had some great days followed by my dad and Julie renewing their wedding vows. It was perfect! A beautiful night, family and friends gathered to watch such an exciting moment. A great time was had by all.
On the 6th we had a big night for Eric and Todd Wozniak. Since they both turned 30 this year their wives through them a surprise 30th party. Again, the night was fun filled with great friends and family. On that Sunday we also had the pleasure of spending the day with Nathan's family. His niece graduated from high school so we helped celebrate the day with her. Congrat's Riika!!! Last days of school... Kyleah wrapped up her final days of third grade and is super excited her summer to begin. How many days until school starts? Aubrie will be starting Kindergarten this fall, two girls in school ahhhhh.
Since then, the days just seem to keep going by faster and faster. June comes along with all the June birthdays and Anniversaries. Wishing all a great birthday and or a Happy Anniversary!!!
The second weekend in June we had a great adult weekend at Winstock Country Festival. We got some motorcycle riding in along with hearing some great music. Our favorite, Heidi Newfield!!

That Saturday we had the joys of going out riding with Eric. We put on about 100 miles or so and had a blast! Great times and even better memories. The weather was perfect!
This last week both the girls started swimming lessons, it was great to get them both involved in something they both crave to do. They have been having a great summer. We have many more fun family events planned and can't wait to blog about them.

As far as Nathan and I go, we are just truckin along. He is staying busy at work and I am also. The wedding planning is going very smoothly. Everything is booked and ready to go just waiting for the next month to pass and then it will be time to start making final decisions on things. We have recently started discussing our honeymoon more. First plans where to go to Italy , we have now talked about saving that for our 10-20 anniversary. You know, that gives us time to save money and research a little bit more on the things that we would want to see and enjoy. We have now decided somewhere tropical, a little more in price range. We love the fact that our wedding day is less than 5 months away. We can't wait to start our life! Again that date... November 7th 2009!!!
We hope this blog finds everyone in great health and having a wonderful summer-
Love: Nathan, Tina, Kyleah and Aubrie

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