Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Vegas Baby...

Nathan and I where grateful to have a little mini vacation this past weekend. We visited Las Vegas, NV and had a ton of fun! It was about a month or so ago I mentioned to Nathan that I would love to go somewhere. He put this idea together with his brother Jean and not to long after we where booking our flights. We stayed in old Vegas, at Binions or as Nathan would say, Bunions... It started with a great Friday, watching the lights (KISS was featured on the light show) and just people watching.

With a good nights sleep we where off to pick up our Harley's that we rented on Saturday. Visiting a lot of cool places and taking a ton of pictures, we had an amazing time. Even if it was an 'old man's bike with a radio...' per me! At least it was our favorite color, black.

We went from Vegas to the Red Rock Canyon, back through the strip and down to the Boulder Dam. It was a great day in NV with the temp being right around 65-70, but when we rode up through the Red Rock it dropped to right around 45-50. A little chilly but we all made it just fine! After a days worth of riding, Nathan and I where done for the night. Sunday brought a day filled with some gambling, fun pictures and making some great memories! We started by having breakfast at the Golden Nugget, then off to buy some gifts for our beautiful angels back at home. After we where done with all that, we gambled a little (I think $38 maybe... between the both of us, we have a HUGE problem) had sushi for late lunch and just relaxed. Our flight left Vegas Sunday night and we where ready to be home.

All in all, we would do it all over again! It was an awesome time and we made a lot of new memories. We have made a deal to try and do something like this every year. Something for us...
Monday brought a very LONG day. Nathan was up and back on his way to the airport at 5am to fly out for work again, this time New York. I was up and back to the grind myself at 6am. A dose of reality hit me on Monday night when I was making dinner for the girls, had conferences for Kyleah and had to go and get some groceries. WOW!!! Kyleah's conferences went wonderful. Her teacher said that she is doing great, the only problem is she talks A LOT. I don't know where she gets that from... Tuesday school was cancelled at noon, so I was off to pick up Boo and Kyleah. We had a chance to play and catch up on our snuggling. Then it was time for a much needed nap that we all took that afternoon. After all of this has been said and done there is only one thing left to say, normal really isn't all that bad! We are looking forward to the snow melting and summer breezes blowing.
Sending lots of love; Nathan, Tina, Kyleah and Aubrie

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