Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day...

Happy lovers day to everyone!!!

We haven't had to much going on this week. Nathan left for another trip to Canada on Sunday, so the girls and I have just been relaxing. Actually the weeks always seem to go by so fast when he is gone. For starters, our bedroom turns into the houses bedroom. Suddenly there is something wrong with both girls room and our queen size bed turns into... Sorry mom there's no room for you, but our bedrooms are upstairs. No, it hasn't gotten that far yet! Although, this is what my bed looks like-
All smiles... notice they even have their own pillows.
We have also had a great week getting ready for Valentines Day. Kyleah picked out some dip sticks to school for her friends and Aubrie brought some suckers. It was kind of funny, Friday after school, for the first time in a long time Kyleah brought all of her stuff right upstairs. So I was downstairs getting some stuff ready to go visiting when all of the sudden it dawned on me... VALENTINES CANDY, in her room!!! After her getting busted her excuse was 'mom, I just wanted it out of your way' NICE... I think I pulled that one a time or two!
With Valentines Day finally here, is was time to accomplish a goal. Starting to get in shape. I ran a 5k with Nathan's family and we had a great time doing it. I finished last in the family, but hey I made it. My goal is now by our next one in March to drop my time by 2 minutes. I am not being hard on myself, it was my first run since... um yeah... it was my first run!

Again, not to much new here. Just waiting for Nathan to come home to his girls!!
Sending you lots of love and Valentine's kisses...
Nathan, Tina, Kyleah and Aubrie

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