Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Where does the time go?

Me and the love of my life!!!

So after talking with Nathan and him asking what this website was, it flagged me that I haven't updated in a long time. A lot is going on yet once again, would we have it any other way? Nathan is on 1 of 3 trips to Canada, not fishing trips, work trips. They are saving the cheese plants up there and boy oh boy, do I hear how cold it is up there. He is doing good and calls his girls every night. Me, well after finding out that school was a little more expensive than I had planned and classes where not falling together as hoped, I found a full time job. I am working at Crest Healthcare in Dassel as a Outbound Sales Rep. I have been there 3 weeks now and it seems to be a great fit. I enjoy going and leaving, mainly, leaving work at work! Kyleah is loving this week, no spelling test. Her teacher was gone last week with the flu and said that beings he had zero energy to plan anything, they have the week off. She is learning how to write in cursive. Aubrie is excited to be working on her O's. The other day I was asked while she was practicing at the table during 'homework time' "Tina, do you get sad when I rush through my letters and they don't look pretty?" I just smiled and said that she was doing a wonderful job. Both of the girls have taken on new hobbies...

If I made them give me a quarter for every time they ask 'Can we go skating tonight?' Nathan and I would be on a nice warm vacation right now. They don't care how cold it is or if they are freezing their butts off, they want to skate. I even busted Kyleah up there one day after school with no gloves, no snow pants, just a jacket, hat and skates... She got an ear full! Anyways, so a winter full of fun and excitement. Sledding, skating and spending time together is what we are all about. My personal goal for the New Year is to make my family know that they are the most important thing to me!

Signing out for now, sending lots of love and happiness- Nathan, Tina, Kyleah and Aubrie

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