Friday, January 9, 2009

From Winter break to Kyleah's 9th birthday!

Well from New Years to Kyleah's birthday to life seems to be getting back to normal. YEAH!!!
New Year's eve we spent with some great friends and our kidders. They say what you do on New Year's eve is what you want to be doing for the rest of the year... why not spend it with people you love! We had a good time over at Nathan's friends house. Play some games, a little guitar hero, and had some great laughs! We all managed to stay up, even the girls, until 1:30. Bummed to have missed Evils Keneveils' son do the jump as we where leaving :o( all is good though, thank you whoever for YouTube.
New Year's Day was another fun filled day. We woke up and had a wonderful egg bake and then hit the hills in Cokato. It was time for us to release the inner child and break out the saucers. Jean was along for the fun and all I could do was sit back and chuckle at what kids him and Nathan still are. Everyone had a great time, even with the bruises!

Well sledding had to come to an end and so did winter break but not before pizza night ending with a little dance. Boy did the girls laugh ;o)
Just when things where soon to be back to norman we couldn't forget about one of the best days of my life! Kyleah turned 9... can you believe it? I have a hard time still when I think about it. On Saturday, the day before her birthday, we took her and a friend along with Aubrie, Nathan and I, to the Olive Garden. Her friend of choice was Josh. They kids had a great time and had to get dolled up for the event. On Sunday the 4th, her birthday, we had my family over to help celebrate, with cake and ice cream, singing, and kids playing while the adults where upstairs catching up and cheering on the Vikings. She recieved lots of neat gifts, clothes, braclets, slippers, a cookbook and money. She wants to get herself some Etnies?!?!? I didn't think those would be her style but they are. I told her that she could put the money she recieved towards them and she was ok with that.

Now life is back to normal, the girls are back at school and Nathan is back at work. Life is good! We had a blast while it lasted but the time was up, it keeps us going for the next break. Hopefully we can spend as much time together again! This week has brought our family great news, I will be going back to work, full time days! YES... a double income household will feel so nice once again. I am relieved that I found something that I am going to enjoy and only 5 miles from home!!!
Sending love from us to you and yours;
Nathan, Tina, Kyleah and Aubrie


  1. How exciting to be starting a new job! You will do always!

  2. Congrats on the job Tina! We wish you all the best... nice commute too! :)
